Explore Helpful Resources we Trust
There are a lot of resources on the internet that can often lead to misinformation. Below you will find resources that we have found to have helpful, and accurate, information. By using these resources, you will be able to provide us with information about your pets that will help us prepare the best fit plan for them.
Equine Practitioners Handouts
Caring for the Older Horse (.doc)
Choosing Hay (.doc)
Preventing Colic (.doc)
Reducing West Nile Risk for YOU and Your Horse (.doc)
How to Reduce Your Horses Weight (.doc)
Be Prepared for an Equine Emergency (.doc)
Help Your Foal Grow with Proper Nutrition (.doc)
Help Your Mare Have a Safe Delivery (.doc)
Recognize Laminitis (.doc)
Recognize Dental Problems (.doc)
Protecting Your Horse from EIA (.doc)
Recognizing Signs of EPM (.doc)
Wage War on Parasites (.doc)
Reducing Risks of Stomach Ulcers (.doc)
Equine Fall 2007 Newsletter (.pdf)
Vaccination Recommendations (.pdf)
Normal Vital Signs of the Adult Horse (.pdf)
Hoofcare and Lameness: The Journal of Equine Foot Science
The Horse
Horse Body-Conditioning Scoring (.jpg)
Adult DEWORMING recommendations (.doc)
Poisonous Plant Guide
Don’t Deworm in the Dark (.pdf)
Merial Deworming brochure (.pdf)
Equine Event and Farm Biosecurity Handout (.pdf)
Wisconsin Department of Health & Family Services – West Nile Virus Information
American Veterinary Medical Association
Wisconsin Veterinary Medical Association
Cornell College of Veterinary Medicine Online Consultant
Chronic Wasting Disease and Wisconsin Deer
Good link for allergy sufferers, for both animal and human
Merck Veterinary Manual
A blog about Dr. Ray Pawlisch and his father Dr. Dean Pawlisch by Wisconsin Veterinary Medical Association.